Friday, December 18, 2009

Israel-Day1-Jaffa (Joppa)

On the way to our hotel, we stopped at Jaffa (called Joppa in the Bible). The whale sculpture in the picture is in honor of Jonah. Joppa is where he caught a boat on the way to Tarshish (not on the way to Ninevah).

Behind me is the Med. Sea. Jaffa is a city on top of a tel (hill). Acts 10 talks about Peter's vision in preparation for his visitors from Caesarea. He saw a sheet come down from the sky containing animals, reptiles, & birds. Then a voice spoke, telling him to get up, kill, and eat. Which he refused on account of it being unclean. He saw this vision 3 times.

Is there mountain biking in Israel??? Too bad I can't read the sign.

Another picture of the Med. Sea.

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