Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Halloween fun!

Oh yeah!

Halloween was a big day for us. Lake did not want to put on his costume. I had to bribe him with the possibility of bad. We started out with a visit to Steve's office. Lake's favorite treat there was a big frog cookie. Next we went to my office and he got some more goodies. Steve came home early so that we could bike down to the Munchkin Masquerade on Pearl Street. All the merchants dress up and hand out candy. In the process, we pretty much see all of our friends who have kids. It is utter madness. We biked home in time to pass out candy and Lake threw handfuls of candy into everyone's bag (except some unlucky kids only got one piece). He would also pick out his favorite candy to give away. He obviously takes after Steve b/c I would have horded the best stuff.

Pumpkin Carving!

Lake LOVED carving the pumpkin but he wouldn't touch any of the guts. The pumpkin mostly ended up as a puzzle game. We roasted pumpkin seeds and that was a big hit, too.

Pumpkin Patch Marathon

We went to the local pumpkin patch 3 or 4 days in a row with Lake's best buddy, Karsten. They had so much fun watching the kittens and playing in the hay maze and the corn maze. Lake picked out our pumpkin-he was very excited and amazingly he picked out a nice one. He also yelled "get stupid" while running/dancing in the corn maze because that's part of the dance song he loves. Guess he is listening to all the lyrics :)

Hot dance moves

We had a dance party when Steve's childhood friend, Andy, visited. Lake really got into it. He even sang along. This video doesn't have all of his moves, but you get the idea. I'm planning to put him in a toddler hip hop class next summer when he is three. I can't wait.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Mouse and the Sea Cucumber-by Lake Grooters

For about a month, Lake constantly talked about a mouse and a sea cucumber.  Sometimes they were running, sometimes eating noodles.  One time they went to the ocean and met a starfish. They were usually doing what Lake and I did so I may have been the mouse and he the sea cucumber?  Who knows, but it was fun to hear him be creative and pretend.  I tried to get him on video but it didn't turn out well enough to post.

Story Hour with Kristin

We go to story hour every week at Borders with our friends the Seidels and the Zylstras.  Now there is a new story teller and Lake loves her.  Every week he ends up leaning on her knee with his head right in front of the book, blocking everyone else's view.  In the picture, his best buddy, Karsten, has joined him.  You wouldn't know it but there are many more (better behaved) children there who actually sit to hear the story. She's awesome and totally loves on him regardless. 

Sunflower Farm way back in October

We went to this super cute farm in Longmont that is totally set up for kids.  They have all kinds of tractors to sit on, a tree house, riding tractors and bikes for toddlers, big sand pit with all kinds of toys, a play house, a super cool water track to float boats in, a really big swing, a merry-go-round, a straw fort, and all kinds of animals: cats, dogs, goats, sheep, horses, cows, and chickens.  We could have spent a weekend there.  

Lake's rainbow

Lake spotted a rainbow on his own and was excited to show me.